Sunday 30 October 2016

Hell's Kitchen - a Choir and another Double.

This morning, being Sunday, I wanted to go to gospel church. I found the Times Square Church with an amazing choir and so set off for there for the 10:00 service. I have discovered that i don't get accosted by the ticket sellers and tour bus spruikers if I am by myself, walking with head tilted down, looking bored and walking with purpose - not one! It's great.

Got a banana for breakfast from one of the sidewalk carts and then found the church. It looks like a theatre - very large and ornate. They have ushers inside welcoming and directing people. They ask if you are here for the whole two hours - apparently lots of people just want to have a sticky beak and don't stay, disrupting the service if they are in the body of the church - they put them all upstairs. You actually get ushered to a seat - I got a good spot, close and in the centre, coz I'm a single seat.

Very nice foyer...

It's packed, lots of African Americans. They have a large screen at the top of the stage with slides saying "the service will start soon, please take your seat." And "turn off your cell phone." The curtain opens and there is a huge choir, band on the left and the ministers on the left. The screen projects the lyrics so you can sing along, (which I don't...) and I think I'm sitting in front of the only black lady who can't sing!

They sing for a good half hour and it's fantastic - lots of clapping hands and hallelujahs, amazing atmosphere. There is one guy who is recording it on his phone and is quickly tapped on the shoulder and told to stop - and not by an usher but by a parishioner. Another guy doesn't even stand up, just sits there checking his messages.

After the singing, there's a welcome by one of the pastors and then the choir sing two more songs - each headed by a different black lady - amazing! Then the usual greeting of people around you.

Then the sermon, good minister, talking about having open heart and being true, he mentioned what the world is coming to with corrupt people running for office on a bed of lies... Very interesting angle. Lots of amens and hallelujahs again. 

Then people are invited up for a blessing and the choir sing a couple more songs and that's it. I snuck in a photo, didn't want to be as obvious as some others around me. Bit fuzzy but I didn't have time to focus!

 It was a great experience - full gospel choir church. As I was leaving, I thanked one of the attendants and he asked if I was from Boston!! Not even close.

Forgot to mention last night, we were walking to the pub for dinner and passed a fire station. The doors were open and some people were taking photos of the trucks. A fire chief (by the look) was doing stuff and two pretty young things asked if they could take a photo with him and the truck. He looked pretty okay with that!

Then I have time to get a coffee and a muffin and a bit more of a scout for the Obama bobble head before heading to today's matinee - Holiday Inn, with Raff. Shaun and Brett are not doing this one - Brett, because he's more of a play man and Ye olde feel-good dance shows are not his thing and Shaun - well, for the same reasons but also the fact that he would just get mad coz it's a light and fluffy, let's-put-on-a-show show...! It's a good thing he didn't come coz the curtain opened and three guys came out in tails singing Stepping Out With My Baby - Raff and I were in heaven!

The show was from the old movie, and full of dance and Irving Berlin songs and just great. They did an amazing number where they were skipping rope and tapping as they skipped - fantastic.

The theatre was the old Studio 54 nightclub and the foyer here is amazing! 

There is a display about the movie Holiday Inn which incorporated some songs Irving had already written and some new songs specific for holidays.

This one for White Christmas is interesting and sad.

After the show, we went to Starbucks (shudder) for a coffee and sandwich before heading to our next theatre - tonight's show is School of Rock. Massive theatre and a great show here too - the lead guy was brilliant and the kids were amazingly talented. Great show for families, great show all round. And even good music - considering it was an Andrew Lloyd Webber!

We had a quick bite at the nice Chinese we went to the other night before heading back home for our last night at Hell's Kitchen.

And I had success in the hunt for........

Obama bobble head!!!!!

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